I read a little yesterday but was side tracked and as Ms S says, didn't know where to jump in ( or was that someone else?

Yes this is epic in proportions. No point to it, that's kewl.
Wow a Dummie Guide for Seller Details and Profiles....very good idea. I admit I was lost when I started. The tutorial didn't cut it either. I used the tutorial literally when I started. Then I made about 10 masters, then I panicked and settle on "one". I have a mess out there, a conglomeration formats on about 150 listings......not all active but in limbo til I decide what to do.
Now I want a new store front. I am not sure how that will affect what I have out there already....or if it even will. So I go in circles.
I didn't see Jeff's addendum here, should I?
I see it's ok to just talk to myself here too.....this is good.
Are all you avid participants from England?
I am from Oregon! Pronounced Orygun!
If I were younger you could call me Miss, or Mrs. but I prefer neither nor any!
N is for Nena.
I have English ancestory....does that count? I love English humor.....altho I'm not good at it.
OK off to work now...I was HERE!

No way to preview post on here huh? hmmm....I'm still waiting to see why I can't use FF on the community forum......would help with spelling.