Zeb, that midnight thing's part of our Dark Side. Huh, Miss M?

Me? Enjoy th' snow??? I love snow, period (not yellow o' course!). 'Specially gettin' snowed in.

Yeh, Ninth gets all th' cookies 'n' brownies. What can I say? That adorable li'l fly swept me off all eight o' my feeties

N, I'm workin' on that website now... well, not right now obviously or I wouldn't be here. Eh, I only know a little bit... 'nough to get me by 'n' hopefully 'nough to keep me outa trouble.

I think it's okay to say what we sell, as it's alright to have links here that lead to wherever we want. Can't wait to get mine live and will put it in my siggy.

Taz, where ya be? You're as scarce as myself 'round these here parts lately. Just why IS that?

Anyone heard from Pete? Where's Jeff S & kbalona? Did I miss any regular posters here?
Hi Ninth...

What a mess of a post!