Back in the saddle again (kinda' half-way tho) after a short trip last week -- as always, incurs a lot of catching-up to do.
Hey there Shadeaux! -- Good to see you've been hang'n out more regularly.

Haven't had time to read back through all of last week's activity yet...but I see that JeffS has finally decided to re-visit the asylum recently. Actually Jeff... I thought the smilie-glitch was probably some kind of 'smilie_stack-overflow'..or possibly a 'grin-buffer overrun'

And what's this??....St. Peter has finally returned from his sabbatical in Egypt!!!

Hey ChooChoo! You should be seeing a little shift-in-the-wind towards Spring there soon as well. At least I would hope so! Would be happy to send you some of our sunshine here...but the super-fax machine has been a outta' whack lately.

Haven't seen 'N' over the last couple pages I quickly scanned thru. Where you be m'lady? Finally get rained-in up there?

And lastly... Missy! Ya' know I don't really think anyone is buy'n that picture as one of your better portrait shots. Aside from the wrong hair color... I don't think the shoes are really you either!

later looners & lurkers... gotta' trot off for the moment. Hope to check back in tonite if possible. ~Zeb