Wow I had a good day today I was actually off work. Did some swimming, some riding, now I need to borrow your weed whacker to comb the knots out of my hair

quote:Wow I had a good day today . .
quote:you're supposed to use the memory pills to clean the toilet, remember? (get it?)
H'mmmm, as ripe as an old pair of socks that have evolved into a lifeform of their own and slithered away to breed.quote:as soon as it gets nice & ripe
quote:I'm still waiting for you to post your picture
quote:I'm still waiting
quote:ooooo scary
quote:Afterall even the half dead are those that make the Monday morning drive to work scary
quote:I am a ghast!!
quote:Why are men always so exasperating
quote:Why couldn't they have thrown toilet paper like everybody else
quote:You mean to say on halloween you don't flush used toilet paper away, yuck !!