And sorry about the delete. LOL I accidentally hit it and thought it must be meant to be so went ahead.

Shall I repeat it, so those parts of your post make sense? lolol
quote:Hey 'innuendo r us', right Miss S? Oh those beers are yelling our names!
OMG is that why they wanted to know if I could drive that fertilizer truck? And I thought it was just because they are an impoverished country and wanted to make me feel useful! HELP I need the Hotline for Suicide Prevention I am going to jump into a huge Spider Web and end all my suffering! Edit:: " Hidden Secret Squirrel POST" No-one read but Miss S!quote:(remember he has a broken heart and is not quite right in the head yet) (actually he is quite right, madly flirting with two gorgeous ladies in the space of one page, how much more right can you get?)
Pete I am not chasing after a couple of 20 year old sweeties, they are BOTH 23. Geez I feel bad enough as is going out with one of my daughters friends!quote:you have a couple of 20 year old little sweeties to chase don't you?