For example, one of my Item Details profile is "Pant Suits". There is no choice anywhere in there to add shipping return policy. So I figure, well, I guess I need to change it under my Shipping Profile details. Well, LOL, there's nothing there except my html that I pasted in and no choices for a shipping return policy.
The only way I can see to add a return policy to a listing is to do in on each and every individual one. I can't seem to figure out what I'm missing. It should be simple (as I've already said before - <grin>

Another problem is... I notice that on all of my profiles (for different types of clothing) that every time I save my Shipping Profile details (from the drop down menu of choices of profiles I made) to my an Item Details profile it doesn't save the Shipping Profile I chose.
Posted April 21, 2006 06:32 PM April 21, 2006 03:32 PM
Hi Marcia,
To enter your return policy, click "Maximize" next to the Checkout Options section of the lister page. Then, click the "Choose/Modify Return Policy" link.
If you have created a profile containing your return policy, you can edit it in your profile by going to Auctiva -> Profiles(tab) -> Manage Profiles, and selecting "Edit" from the pull down menu to the right of the appropriate profile.