Came in this even'n from replanting about a gazillion tomato plants! Gaww! Gonna' make some SERIOUS batches o' picante sauce after a while. The days are gittn' noticeably longer now, and with the *unusually* mild winter we've had.. our peach trees are FULL of blossoms!! Too bad cuz there's bound to be another freeze coming. -- has happened many times before. And isn't there any body on the planet besides me who likes Okra?? Prolly not! I swear it now..Nuth'n beats hot fried Okra & a Chicken-Fried steak w/gravy!
So Taz is shacked up now with his superior officer! Hmmm.. that'll probably put a slight crimp in your night-life eligibility..yep! Yer also gonna hafta' pick up yer dirty socks & undies more often now.~ I GuarAWNTEE it ole boy! -- Yeah..I was married once upon a (very strange) time. Turns out I were a heap more married than She were too!!

Politicks! arrgh!! Yer right about that N! -- They've stomped all over my favorite Andy Griffith and Leave-it-Beaver re-runs now with the dang silly duh-baits and town-stump'n turkey-dance stuff plugging up the airwaves!

ChooChoo my buddy...I can see you must've certainly hit the dream-stream some time ago! Unless of course, you're really a drag-queen Vampire! If that be the case...you'd surely be out right about now stealthing around in the nearly-full moon shadows! Bit o' advice pal... leave the push bike at home tonite....them lamp posts are especially magnetic on a full moon!

Speak'n of Missy...Lovey~If you think yer addicted to summer now (living in Chi Town)...then you'd have a full blown double-dipped over-dose of climatic-euphoria if'n ya'll ever came round here in the late spring! I've lived all over the states from coast to coast and in some truly pretty country..but I didn't really know where my home was...till I wound up here!

Well I guess I'll let ya'll have some rest now. I gotta' drag out the gittar and crank up some comfortably-numb pink-floyd tonite before have'n to shake-a-leg tomorrow morning. Gonna' pick up my momma..and take 'er down to da' bank and WallyWorld for a little 20-mile therapeutic shopping-stroll exercise; yet another all American gluttonoid pastime! I've banned her from eBay already!!

Wait a minute! .Hold up Hoss! I forgot something!! -- I been meaning to ask if anyone has ever found out from the wait-staff 'round here....COULD WE BE ALLOWED MAYBE... just a C_o_u_p_l_e more different smilies to work with??

EDIT: Shadeaux.. ya slipped yer post in on me while I was peck'n mine out and weren't looking! You're a Spy-slyder you are!
((awww.. go ahead an' say panties-in-a-wad... shivers me tail hairs just fine!