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Tagged With "Bulk Editor is now available in Auctiva"


Counter Question

oldtimemeartist ·
I long ago discovered that Andale counters aren't always dependable and that refreshing the page will help in giving you a more accurate count. However, I've noticed that if I refresh my auction page, Auctiva counter will add one to the count. This tells me that it isn't recognizing unique visitors and is counting my visit to my own auctions. Any possibility in correcting this?

Counter questions...

mnormand ·
I guess every new person needs to ask a few of these questions... If I list with Auctiva and I elect not to choose the Sellathon counter, will I have any counter in my eBay auctions (meaning will I at least get the free eBay counter)? If I want to use the free Sellathon counter, is there a way to get a different design? (My wife does not like the "little" numbers that show up on that one). If the answer is no to both of those questions, then what advice is there for me if I want a larger...

Counter: Ranked by Popularity...

ssandee ·
I just posted my first Auctiva auction few hours ago: I DO NOT like that "CLick here to see my other items, ranked my popularity" Has anyone checked out Sellathon and View Tracker websites lately-dates going back to 2004-2005, so outdated doesn't inspire signing on, for sure. Anyhow, how do I get rid of this Popularity thing. A search on this board and the most relevant answers also date back to 2007?? Unreal. thinking I am in a time warp. Sandy


Guest ·
Hi, Why is it I only see one templete and that is the auctiva sellathon. It says to go to drop down and select but there isn't any to select. help it is making me crazier!!


panda-chic ·
It seems to me that the counters on Auctiva are extremely inaccurate. Am I wrong> Is anyone else experiencing this?


jgk ·
I wish that auctiva would put the counters up at the top of the description like ebay you don't have to scroll down to find them. I usually go back to ebay and revise, but that is a lot of extra work...


thebassman ·
When Iuse the counters when I list some of them take and some don't. So I also use Vendo counter= smart counters. I download them after they are listed. Just don,t understand why some of the auctiva counters don,t work when I post. antone else have this problem.


norm ·
It is painfully obvious that Auctiva is not capable of keeping Sellathon running on a full time basis. I need counters for my auctions. Can anybody recommend a 3rd party solution for counters. Thanks, ....Norm


candy ·
I notified Auctiva about the "hits" showing n/a on auctions when I had 3 people watching and was told that the problems with the counters would be fixed by Sept. 24th - it is now the 29th and still having problems. When will this be fixed? I rely on the numbers of people looking at an item to make a decision to relist. thank you.


oldbaldrick ·
How come the counters don't work for us in the UK? I have 'Counters - Hidden' selected in Account Preferences and either 'Sellathon Counters' or 'Hidden Sellathon Counters' selected in the lister. No combination of these settings will produce a working counter. I have to then go into eBay and edit each listing in turn in order to have a visitor counter. Am I doing something wrong, or is this some kind of Auctiva 'Feature'?


countryjoe ·
Are Auctiva counter ever right or at least close? I have items that have several peole "watching", but according to the list nobody ever looked.


mookie00 ·
Okay, I see that you have the option to add a sellathon counter, but what about the ebay counter. I don't want a sellathon counter on all my listings as most are store items and not auctions. Anyone know if you can do this through auctiva? It would surely be a HUGE pain in the you know where if I had to enter all listings manually to add a counter. Just doesn't make sense to me. Anyway, thanks.

Counters not showing up

iceman ·
About 1/3 of the listings I posted tonight that were supposed to have Sellathon Counter attached are showing up with one. It is totally random which one do and which ones don't. Anyone else noticing this. LAst time it happened Auctiva told me to contact Sellathon, an Auctiva owned company, and Sellathon told me to contact Auctiva as it was acode problem.

Counters NOT Viewable- Repeat Post Since No Answer

karendee ·
Please help- I posted this on 11/17 & there is NO response yet... My free trial to Sellathon expired & I listed new items on Ebay & the Sellathon counter is gone. When I click the Sellathon box, it takes me to Sellathon, which tells me I'm expired.... Don't I still have access to the counters? I thought we still had access to the free Sellathon counters as part of Auctiva, but the only way I found to view counts now is having to go into Auctiva & go to active listings- more...

Countries outside the US/Canada

blue9 ·
Hello all, I came across the site through google, and had a quick read and signed up... I lve in germany and of course my eBay account is also German... So its a yes or No... Q. does this site work with folk in Europe as under the Listing Menu ( ebay site ) United States is greyed out... I'm wondering why Auctiva let me sign up with all the Info I gave them, and then to me it seems this service is not set up for other countries apart from the US and Canada....Thanks a lot for any feed back....

Couple of quick questions - Help

muir ·
First, I am not sure what is going on the the text editor, It worked fine for the first few posts, then as of yesterday it start adding spaces and line in between the text. Copy and paste from MS word worked great before - are there any issues with the text editor. The second question, is there a way to disply the pictures in the small size without the option of supersize

Crash on 10 cent listing again!

californiagirl ·
Yes I just crashed, I finally got some time away from the family, got 1 listing done for 10 cent day and crash. Oh please I pray for things to run smoothly, like Saturday, as Saturday for me was the best ever! Super fast and no errors! Please Auctiva, don't let this happen on 10 cent day...Yes I am begging! Sad but True Calgirl

Cannot register for Auctiva

trillien ·
I have tried at various intervals for two weeks, using three different browsers, IE, Netscape, and Firefox. All I can ever get is the page cannot be found, it times out, and I try again a bit later. I would like to try the software, but it seems impossible. Does anyone have any comments on this. Thank you.

Cannot register for Auctiva

shinypretties ·
I've tried just about everything to get registered, to no avail, usernames, passwords, different browsers, everything. Any suggestions?

Cannot revise ebay listing after posted via Auctiva

Guest ·
Hi , my fist time of posting so “Top of the morning to ya all” I am relatively new to Auctiva although a long time user on ebay. Having been impressed with the scrolling Auctiva Showcase I posted my first listing on ebay via Auctiva and now cannot revise that listing. I have several listing currently on ebay which I listed via ebay and can revise all of them with no problem. When I attempt to revise the listing that I posted via Auctiva I get the following error message:-...

cannot revise ebay listings

killevy ·
Hi, I am freaking out and panicking. I cannot revise any of my auctiva listings on eBay, nothing is showing in the description window when I go to revise. I renewed my eBay token and the descriptions came back for a minute but now are gone again. Have been getting a weird sellathon message, asking me to log in but then it says my account is inactive and that my password is not valid. I am all paid up with Auctiva, please tell me what to do, need to keep revising my listings on eBay for...

Cannot save, schedule or preview listing

librayacht ·
I am currently learning how to use Auctiva having used eBay for listings for the last ten years. I am a US resident but need my listings to appear on the UK site (I sell British Stamps). When I prepare a listing I select store and the UK site. When I have finished the listing if I click on "Save" the button goes dull, the UK site at the top of the listing page grays out and the hour glass appears and stays until you shut the site down and then re-enter the listing when it happens again. if...

Cannot Schedule In 1 Minute Increments Any Longer?

foremostfashions ·
Wow.. I'm scheduling auctions and have always LOVED the 1 minute spread feature that you can schedule your items to post. I notice now though that auctions can only be scheduled in 5 minute spread increments. BOO! I love LOVE auctiva.. but I GREATLY prefer the 1 minute spread time.. ..wonder why this change was made?... oh well.. I'll adapt!


mysisterscottage ·
Is anyone else having trouble searching through images, not while you are doing a listing but just in general. If I go to images and try to search for example "dog" knowing full well there are dog pictures in there I get an error message that there are none in my deleted pictures. I am not searching the deleted pics. I am searching all folders. It is really messing up my ability to organize my pictures. Help anyone!

Cannot see Best offer option even when i chose fixed price

gupts007 ·
I am trying to schedule a listing with a best offer option when i select a fixed price option. Yet i dont see any option on auctive where i can select best offer. I have read here other threads on the forum and they say that this option should be visible under the fixed price when you list an auction with a fixed price but i dont see any best offer option. I have selected a category already which should allow to take best is beauty and health...fragrances....i have been listing...

cannot see my store window

ts11928 ·
will someone else please take a look at my listings. I do not see my store window in any of my listings. Auctiva says that everything on their end is fine. I'm wondering if maybe it is just on my end, but I would like to make sure my buyers/shoppers can see my window. Thank you.

CANNOT SEE PICTURES ANYWHERE! (but only on one computer)

valley-cell ·
Last few weeks I cannot see ANY auctiva images (in auctiva or in ebay) on my computer. I CAN see it on another computer! I already cleared the catch and other stuff on my firefox 3. What can be the reason?

cannot start a token

graceinpurpleooal ·
Hello , I have tried several times to get an ebay token but I receive this failure message 'An eBay account with your eBay username already exists, but belongs to a different user. Do you have multiple Auctiva accounts? ' . Now I recently changed my ebay id from lftelecoms into graceinpurpleooak and my email is Can you please help me to sort this out? Many thanks Lucia

Cannot stop auto relist

c4a2y ·
I am a new seller on ebay. I joined Auctiva to make things easier. However, because I originally posted my auctions on eBay and then imported them to Auctiva, I cannot stop the auto relist. Auctiva thinks they are not scheduled and eBay won't allow me to do anything to my current listings (instead it loads a page that gets hung up with Auctiva). I have already tried multiple browsers. PLEASE HELP! Several auctions are ending today that I don't want relisted. Thank you.

cannot upload any pics.

werpennst8 ·
Everytime I try to upload anything. Auctiva keeps saying that I must log in first. The problem is that I am already logged in. It takes my password but will not let me get any further. The password and user id even shows up on the page. Any help would be appreciated. tired of paying for a service that I cannot use.

Cannot upload images on Commerce

home4dinner ·
Help! The Active X uploader will not run so I can upload images on Auctiva Commerce. I have it installed and I can upload images on the standard Auctiva but not the Commerce page.

Cannot upload my photosl. NO BROWSER!

cbssheb ·
I am not able to list my photos. What happened to the browser? I tried following the directions about uploading the XJava but it didn't work. I am stuck. Why did Auctiva mess everything up!

Cant do anything???

vk2oo9 ·
Hi, i can just about log into autiva, but if i try to do anything it says operation aborted, is anyone else having this trouble, i know people are mentioning its slow which i also find, but ive not been able to list anything at all for the past week which is frustrating now and also loosing me money. i listed on ebay and the auctiva scroll bar still came up in listings, i havent a clue whats going on just need to know if im alone in this ir its normal??

cant edit auctiva templates?

wayoutwest ·
is it just me, or can we no longer edit auctiva templates? I found a spelling error and inconsistent font sizes in a template and thought "well, i'll just do a custom based on original, and fix the spelling error and font size error" but when I try to do that, i only get a partial bit of the html for the original template. template in question is 'clean creme'. I went to Custom Templates/Manage, then clicked "create from existing" and picked 'clean creme'. But when i do 'create from' i only...

Cant generate ebay token

pleasegogreen ·
I tell it to generate a ebay token and it goes to my ebay. I sign in and click it to share my information with auctiva. It shows an error that the ebay name is used..duhh. My auctiva and ebay have same name. Is that a problem?? No pop up windows are blocked, just doesn't generate it after several times. Thank you pleasegogreen "Kenny"

Cant get a token because of an old name?

ratheaven ·
Once apon a time (2years ago?)I sold on ebay and had to stop. Now Im back so I tried here again but now I cant get a token because of this >>>>>>>An eBay account with your eBay username already exists, but belongs to a different user. Do you have multiple Auctiva accounts? So i dont remember what name or whatever I used then..any help?

Cant get any auctions in store HELP

coolcatvideo ·
Hello I cant seem to get any listing to show in my store on auctiva, I do have auctions running and thay have been running for several days, I have setup my auctiva store but it still says no listings Any suggestions Thanks Jeff

Cant get into site??

fatcatj ·
I have been trying for 2 days to get in to auctiva and post my listings. Is the site down? This is really frustrating!

Cant get rid of html

oopsydaisy ·
I went to revise my listing and its in HTML. How on earth to do I change this? When I was making th e listing I had it in text editor as it gave me all these options to goof around like bold and that. But when i go in to change it there is the html nonsense. I have spend hours trying to figure this out. I am using Firefox but I have tried safari and nothing is working.

cant get the ebay token to work??

golfer222111 ·
I have tried 3 times to get the token to work.. i agree, it sends me back to auctiva but i still can list my items i have saved.. it keeps giving me the error about not a valid token.. what do i do now??

cant handle the waiting.....

Guest ·
im new to auctiva. i thought id give it a shot. i really like what it has to offer, however i cant handle having to wait several hours for my sales and listings to show. this bugs the daylights out of me. you may think im being impatient, and maybe i am. but i sell information such as ebooks, html, guides etc. my users expect instant purchase, and for me to wait several hours before my sales hit just isnt working for me. how do you guys manage this lag in time ? i mean, i...

Cant i totally replace my ebay store???

annagee ·
Is there any way to totally replace my crappy looking ebay store with its extremely limited customisation with the auctiva one which is much better. Afterall, a lot of people just click on the red door link on ebay to visit a store. Much better that that link goes to my auctiva page than my awful ebay one. Thanks in advance for any advice.

cant list anything

mjakja ·
Okay, so I am getting the error message and none of my listings will post. I see there is a post stating that the problem was fixed and it was last posted on the 9th of March. Am I missing something? Please help me and respond to this message. I have been looking everywhere for an answer and can not find one. Is this being worked on? When will it be fixed? Do I need to do something? I love Auctiva and am grateful for the free templates but this is getting out of hand. I am always...

Cant list as a Digital Delivery Item!?

digitaldan ·
Hi, Ive just joined Auctive with the main intention to set up scheduling for my items automatically... ... however most of my listings are digital delivery based, and when i open them to view on Auctiva i cant see the option to list them as Digital Delivery, also all my previous Auctions which are definately digital delivery items come up under standard shipping condtions... am i missing something or being daft, or is the option to list items as 'Digital Delivery' not available on...

Cant list or start free trial??

missmary ·
I have been using Auctiva for Years but in Juky My Husband passed away and I had to cancel and Now need to start up again But Cant seem to do it when i click on free trial nothing Happens when I click on listings I cant create new I must be still registered aand would like to get started but cant seem to do so Can anyone help me so I can get back to work Thank you in advance Mary


chellie ·
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have tried to post listings 46 manually and scheduled since thurs evening. i cannot list and keep recieving the following error message. how do i repair this? this caused me to miss completely the ebay 20 cent lisitng promoti0n and i am quite unhappy. i ahve sued every one of the failed ads before with no problem. i hace ven tried listing via fire fox instead of IE. NO RESPONSE FROM AUCTIVA HELP-- PLEASE HELP...

Cant log in to auctiva....

missrose ·

CANT ......POST......TO.......EBAY

kendrick1 ·
Hi. Everyone im new here i just signed up a few days ago i also am new to ebay and pay pal i just signed for them also .... well my problem is that yesterday i tried to post my first auctiva ebay listing and it didnt go threw im trying to figure out im i missing something ... first i know that auctiva gives a token that connects to my ebay account somehow ...and that is done when i first sighs up for auctiva correct...but my question is do i have to somehow approve it again in my ebay...

cant preview a saved listing...

veritycat ·
it lets me edit it and says its there as a saved listing but wheni go to preview i get 2x 4c.m very this boxes and a 'close preview' button...??? new to auctiva

cant remove image from items for sale gallery on ebay

mrsconfused-dotcom ·
Hi i deleted a listing because no photo had been uploaded due to error on my phone. I have already deleted the listing and replaced it so dont know why the deleted 'ghost' picture is still showing up in my items for sale auctiva gallery. hope you can help?
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